Friday 28 October 2011

Beyond This World

The night was dark. The stars had started to shine and I could see the big dipper from my bedroom window. I remembered it so well. I stood at my window sill looking out at the sky. I tried to see the world beyond this one. I never saw anything. But I always believed. I believed that something was out there; something magical and different… something new. I believed that something or someone was out there waiting for me to find them. That’s when I met him.
He walked down my street alone. I noticed him because he was the first person to appear on my street in hours. He kept walking but when he levelled with my house he stopped and looked straight up at my window and looked at me… straight at me.  Not just at my house, right at me, I could feel his gaze burning into me. Like a flame to gas. I looked quickly away and stepped away from the window. Unsure of what his eyes wanted to say.
After a moment had passed I moved back to where I had stood before. He was still there, looking up at my window. When he saw me reappear he smiled and gave a faint wave. I smiled and waved back. I never did find out his name; but I remember what he looked like: dark hair that fell over his eyes, tall reaching to about six feet and extremely handsome. I wondered… why had he stopped right outside of my house and happened to glance up right at my window. Was it fate? …Or just coincidence?
We never did say anything to each other that night or any other night. We just stared at the other and smiled like fools. I don’t remember how long we stood there like that it felt like years maybe it was. My gaze broke as my mother called me. I turned to speak to her and when I turned back he was gone. Where had he gone? I’d taken my eyes off him for a second but now he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he hadn’t been real. Maybe I had a wide imagination. Or maybe he’d disappeared into that world beyond this one.

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